Inform Syntax Highlighting Engine

You can use this engine to syntax highlight Inform code for web publishing. Typing a URL in the URL text box overrides the File list. Click here to learn more about creating custom style schemes. NOTE: Please don't link to this page to show a specific Inform file, since it bogs down the server. Instead, syntax highlight the file the way you want it, press "Code Only", and save the resulting page.    - Fredrik Ramsberg

Style Scheme: 
ZapInform Insane BasicBlack VisualStudio * Game ArildBlues JohnsGreenAndRed SpellCheck Custom



Line Numbers

! PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS ONLY A TEST FILE FOR SYNTAX HIGHLIGHTING. ! IT CAN'T BE COMPILED, AND ISN'T INTENDED TO DO ANYTHING USEFUL AS A PROGRAM!!! ! ! Note: the verb "lock" is extended so that "lock padlock" allows you to ! lock the padlock (without the parser asking you what you want to lock it ! with). ! Constant Story "TEST"; Constant Headline "^An Interactive Test^by^"; Replace LookUnderSub; Include "parser"; Include "verblib"; Include "grammar"; Attribute is_key; Constant MAX_SCORE 100; Array PowersOfTwo_GNA ! Not a useful array. --> $$1000000000000000 $$0100000000000000 $$0010000000000000; Array Xword --> 1 2 3; Array Ybyte -> 1 2 3; Array Zbyte -> 1 2 3; Extend "lock" first * noun=PadlockTest -> PadlockLock; Object Crossover "N/S and E/W Crossover" with description "You are at a crossover of a high N/S passage \ and a low E/W one.", w_to At_East_End_Of_Long_Hall, n_to Dead_End_7, e_to In_West_Side_Chamber, s_to At_West_End_Of_Long_Hall; Object -> TheCrossover "crossover" with description "You know as much as I do at this point.", name "crossover" "over" "cross" has scenery; Object Chest1 "chest" Crossover has container openable with name "chest", capacity 5, before [ i; Lock: if (second == Padlock) { if (Padlock has locked) "The padlock is locked shut."; if (self has open) "The chest is open."; i = parent(self); remove self; move padlock to Chest2; move Chest2 to i; give padlock locked; "You snap the padlock shut on the chest."; } "The chest has no lock."; ]; [ Initialise k; location = Dungeon1; k=1; if(Xword-->k || Ybyte->k>3 || k--) k=900; ! print "^^^^^What is @{9af0}in the @19box@a9 of @@1 or @@255 in @@1111?^^"; print "^^^^^What is @{9zf0}@{9afff}@{9af0}in the @19box@a9 of @@1 or \ @@255 in ", $ea, " @@1111?^^"; ]; [ LookUnderSub; if (location==thedark) return L__M(##LookUnder,1); L__M(##LookUnder,2); ]; [ MyUnlockSub i j; objectloop (i in player) { if (i has is_key) j = i; } print "(with ", (the) j, ")^"; <<Unlock noun j>>; ]; [ DrawStatusLine i; ! Switch to status window and reverse it. @split_window 3; @set_window 1; style reverse; font off; @set_cursor 1 1; spaces (0->33)-1; @set_cursor 2 1; spaces (0->33)-1; @set_cursor 3 1; spaces (0->33)-1; ! And now print the directions of the location (if not dark). This is ! the interesting part (for me at least). if (location ~= thedark) { if (location.u_to ~= 0) { @set_cursor 1 U_POS; print "U"; } if (location.nw_to ~= 0) { @set_cursor 1 W_POS; print "@@92"; } if (location.n_to ~= 0) { @set_cursor 1 C_POS; print "|"; } if (location.ne_to ~= 0) { @set_cursor 1 E_POS; print "/"; } if (location.in_to ~= 0) { @set_cursor 1 IN_POS; print "I"; } } ]; End;